Sometimes I look at life and I think it is so like a flight of stairs…
There are moments in you life when its all the way up… and it feels like an escalator where you go floating up - higher with every step of the way… where nothing but good happens to you… and you feel so nice and high… high on life.
And then there are these moments when you are at step one and u have a slump – and you go down one step… only to find that there are these series of steps that you must take down to eternity.
Why does life have to be so unidirectional… why cant it have a nice healthy mix of good and bad times, each balancing the other.(and these are thoughts only when you are trudging DOWN the steps, never when u are floating up on the escalator)
But then, on a serious note, look at it this way – the key word here is direction. If we did keep going one step up and then one step down again and again, we would, at the end of the day, have been stationary – we wouldn’t have moved/achieved anything, anywhere. One has to trudge those few steps – up or down – to reach that landing area, from which the steps start all over again – only, from the landing its can go either ways – up or down. One just has to wait and watch – wait to reach up to the landing – uncertain of what lies ahead.
Plus like one wise (?) one had once told me – it’s a matter of perspective – the sum total of the results of your actions – just a set of circumstances that are the reason why things are the way things are.
There are moments in you life when its all the way up… and it feels like an escalator where you go floating up - higher with every step of the way… where nothing but good happens to you… and you feel so nice and high… high on life.
And then there are these moments when you are at step one and u have a slump – and you go down one step… only to find that there are these series of steps that you must take down to eternity.
Why does life have to be so unidirectional… why cant it have a nice healthy mix of good and bad times, each balancing the other.(and these are thoughts only when you are trudging DOWN the steps, never when u are floating up on the escalator)
But then, on a serious note, look at it this way – the key word here is direction. If we did keep going one step up and then one step down again and again, we would, at the end of the day, have been stationary – we wouldn’t have moved/achieved anything, anywhere. One has to trudge those few steps – up or down – to reach that landing area, from which the steps start all over again – only, from the landing its can go either ways – up or down. One just has to wait and watch – wait to reach up to the landing – uncertain of what lies ahead.
Plus like one wise (?) one had once told me – it’s a matter of perspective – the sum total of the results of your actions – just a set of circumstances that are the reason why things are the way things are.