Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The pulse of life

Was talking to a friend who just suffered a major loss and we ended up talking about why life needs to have to have so many ups and downs - Why can't God/fate/providence/whatever just let things be when life is on a high. 

And we came up with an analogy that I thought was brilliant. 

The heart is synonymous with life; and if we plot our life out on a chart, it will look not very different from this monitor above. There will be ups and there will be downs - just when you think there is no hope, the ball bounces upwards; and up you go - to the very point when you stand there "on top of the world, looking down on creation..." life decides to open the gravity shaft. 

And the day this stops, the day you see there is nothing happening in your life - no spike, no trough, you know that you have died.

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